How much is the race?

5k $40

10k $60

Half Marathon $85

Full Marathon $120

WheN/where is packet pick-up?

Road Runner Sports in the Greenlake area of Seattle; Friday, September 5th, noon-5pm. You may pick up your packet on Saturday at the race from 7am-11:30am BUT we encourage you to pick it up on Friday at Road Runner Sports so you have a relaxing, Blerchy race day morning.

Can I CHANGE MY Distance?

Distance transfers can be done online until Thursday at midnight.  Follow the instructions here to log in to RunSignUp and then you can transfer to a different distance. After Thursday they may be done at Packet Pickup or the morning of the race in person.  Each transfer costs $15.


Transfers can be done online until Thursday at midnight. Follow the instructions here to do so online. After Thursday they may be done at Packet Pickup or the morning of the race in person. You can transfer in person at packet pickup or on race day as well, but expect a line. Each transfer costs $15. Please note that the shirt size cannot be changed during the transfer process.

Can I exchange my shirt for a different size?

Possibly, after the race, as long as we have enough extra shirts.  If you’d like to swap out your shirt, bring your unworn shirt to the registration area after you’re done running and we can exchange your shirt.  If we don’t have enough extras, we will not be able to exchange your shirt.

is there vegan or gluten-free race food?

Yes, there will be vegan and GF bananas, chips, GU energy gels, and other treats.

Is there a cutoff time?

Yes, the cutoff is 3:15pm.

Are dogs or strollers allowed on the course?

No dogs or strollers of any kind are allowed on the course. This is for insurance purposes.

Are there portable restrooms out on the course?

Yes, portable restrooms will be out on the trail and available for you to use.

Does Matthew Inman (The Oatmeal) run in the race?


Will you be selling books and other Oatmeal merchandise at the events?

Only Blerch merchandise will be available for purchase on race day. 

Can I wear a costume?

Yes, please. We love costumes!

Will there really be cake and Nutella?

Yes, lots. Eat (and vomit) at your own risk.

Will the race be chip-timed?


Can I register day-of-race?

Yes! But in the past we’ve sold out of the 5K race, so register now to secure your spot.

WILL THERE BE A virtual race?

No, but we’d love to have you at the live race.

Why didn’t the melons get married?